Tips for Why You Use a Shower Filter

Shower water for better hair skin and to decrease the toxins in your body, you might be thinking why are their toxins in shower, just take a shower get rid of the germs and it's all good but unfortunately as keep telling you that some of the things that we kind of trust that are those healthy things maybe sometimes aren't so the big toxin that's going to be in chlorine you know chlorine that you're kind of familiar with from swimming pools and such and the chlorine is used in the water systems. Helps to kill that chlorine Shower filter helps get the germs and bacteria and microorganisms that kill those which is a good thing in some ways but unfortunately, chlorine is not so good to bodies into your health. So, when you're in the shower with little shower bathroom nook in the bedroom here um when you're in the shower. It is exposed to your skin and you're also bringing it in through the vapors through the warm air so you're absorbing even more ...